Good things still happen to good people
Posted on October 10, 2019

There is a Youtuber who is dedicated to putting on his channel recording about the act of giving thousands of dollars to people he does not know. He has achieved his fame by showing how people react to these situations. This history is another example that strengthens his idea “good things still happen to good people”. Mr…
Read MoreMeditation and mindfulness for children in the school
Posted on October 3, 2019

The new studies carried out by the government of the United Kingdom have allowed teaching Meditation in schools. It is a very important decision that will favour coexistence within the classroom. The complicated situations that sometimes occur may be due to students not knowing how to manage their emotions. The classes will be taught in 370 schools across the country…
Read MoreA retired elephant
Posted on September 30, 2019

The last elephant that worked in a circus in Denmark has been bought by the authorities. The government wants the animal to have a quiet retreat. It is a sample of the change in the sensitivity of the people towards animals. The amount of money paid is not known exactly, but it is said that it has reached $1,6 million. Also, a new law will prevent the presence of animals in circuses from the end of this year. It is not the only elephant that the government has bought…
Read MoreA bottle saved lives
Posted on September 23, 2019

Sometimes old resources have unexpected results. Curtis Whitson and his family were rescued because he sent a message in a bottle. They had decided to go camping for a few days in June. He knew a beautiful area of the Arroyo Seco River in California and his girlfriend and his son were interested in knowing the region. The first day, they started down the river and the experience was very exciting…
Read MoreCruise passengers turn their trip into a humanitarian mission
Posted on September 19, 2019

Sometimes the holidays do not go as we had planned. It is what happened to them in this case. The passengers and crew members abandoned their planned 7 days vacation when they met with theHurricane Dorian. The ship called, Equinox left Florida with 3000 passengers. They were sailing through the Caribbean and their destination was Nassau, the capital of Bahamas. When the strong storm hit the islands, they decided to change their port of arrival…
Read MoreA friendship between porcupine and dog
Posted on September 16, 2019

The stranged couple formed by a baby porcupine and a sausage dog has surprised everyone. The history began when Diablo, the porcupine was rejected by his mother. He was born in Cotswold Wildlife Park in Oxfordshire, England. His mother previously had twins and she was still taking care of them. She wasn't really ready for another baby. So the zookeeper Estelle Morgan picked him up and took him home…
Read MoreHealthy life healthy mind
Posted on September 12, 2019

New research shows that a healthy lifestyle has an important impact on our cognitive health. Researchers at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Los Angeles say how five specific lifestyle choices were linked to a 60% reduction in the risk of developing the disease…
Read MoreLess packaging more breathing
Posted on September 5, 2019

We have a problem with ocean pollution, but we have also the solution: producing less plastic packaging. There are a lot of countries and companies are working for recycling and created solutions for an environment cleaner. For example: In New Zealand, a supermarket called “New World” doesn' t pack fruit and vegetables so they save tonnes of plastic every year…
Read MoreIce cream from special hands
Posted on August 29, 2019

An ice cream shop in Dallas, Texas, had a special and precious idea which was "to employ people who have Down syndrome and autism". Tom Landis, the company's founder, opened Howdy Homemade, the idea belongs to him. He facilitates work experience teens and adults with special needs. Howdy Homemade Ice Cream has around 13 employees, ages 16 to 31, who all have special needs…
Read MoreWorking together for a better world: Governments and NGO's meet and compromise to improve Human rights
Posted on August 22, 2019

Despite all the hotspots for major human rights violations we have seen last year, Governments and NGOs meet at the 41st Ordinary Session of the UN Human Rights Council recently celebrated in Geneva…
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