A message from the author:

Welcome to this blog of Good News!

For years, my team and I have been feeding it with encouraging, inspiring, lovely news.

Now that the circumstances of my life have changed, I may not have the time to keep feeding it. However, I feel that my mission is in part fulfilled, as we have left here a trace of hope, confidence and good vibes…

See below the previous good news, as most of them are still "alive".

And if you want to know more about my motivation to create this space, read more…

In a Turkish city, it is customary to give a hot dish to those who need it most


by Bel G

Posted on August 13, 2018

In a Turkish city, it is customary to give a hot dish to those who need it most

The Merkez Restaurant located in a city east of Turkey, in Karakocan. He was the pioneer of the tradition of feeding the needy. This custom has been passed from generation to generation for decades, today in the hands of Mehmet Ozturk, its current owner. At 55 years old, Mehmet says that he always maintains at least three tables free of diners and reserved for the neediest, even at busy times. And at least 15 people come to your restaurant every day to receive a free plate…

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Fresh pickings: prescribing produce, not pills


by Ruxandra Helici

Posted on August 10, 2018

Fresh pickings: prescribing produce, not pills

Detroit-based prescription service is not for drugs, but for fresh fruit and vegetables…

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California slashes emissions to 1990s level, reaches climate goal years early


by Ruxandra Helici

Posted on August 9, 2018

California slashes emissions to 1990s level, reaches climate goal years early

The California Air Resources Board just announced that greenhouse gas pollution in California fell below 1990 levels for the first time since emissions peaked in 2004—an achievement roughly equal to taking 12 million cars off the road or saving 6 billion gallons of gasoline a year.   “California set the toughest emissions targets in the nation, tracked progress and delivered results,” said Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr…

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Successfully transplanted the liver of a minor donor to a 13-year-old girl and an 8-month-old baby


by Bel G

Posted on August 8, 2018

Successfully transplanted the liver of a minor donor to a 13-year-old girl and an 8-month-old baby

The Vall d'Hebron hospital in Barcelona has successfully performed a liver transplant performed by the split procedure, which consists of dividing the donor's liver to obtain fully functional grafts for two recipients, in this case, a 13-year-old girl and a 8-months baby. The liver donor was also a minor and the receiving girls were in a critical situation that could only be resolved with a transplant. The head of the hepatobiliopancreatic surgery and transplant service at the Vall d'Hebron ho…

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A boy of 12 years, the youngest university student in Mexico


by Bel G

Posted on August 7, 2018

A boy of 12 years, the youngest university student in Mexico

With the amazement and energy of a child but with the maturity and responsibility of an adult, Carlos Santamaría will study in one of the most prestigious universities in Latin America. With only 12 years old, this child will study biomedical physics at the UNAM. When Carlos Santamaría goes out to play like the other kids his age, few imagine that his IQ is so high that he will start a university career this week…

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Sweden opens the first electric road that charges your vehicle while driving


by Marina Morg

Posted on August 7, 2018

Sweden opens the first electric road that charges your vehicle while driving

Sweden has inaugurated the first section of an electric road designed to recharge the battery of zero-emission cars. The project, called eRoadArlanda, consists of a two-kilometer stretch of a road near Stockholm that connects the Arlanda airport and a logistics center outside the capital and where rails have been installed on the asphalt. Also, battery vehicles that have been tested have a mobile arm to connect to the track…

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They create a plastic bag that dissolves in water and does not contaminate


by Bel G

Posted on August 6, 2018

They create a plastic bag that dissolves in water and does not contaminate

Researchers at the Chilean company "SoluBag" have created water-soluble plastic bags that do not harm the environment. The innovation does not contain the harmful petroleum derivatives of ordinary plastic, which here have been replaced by derivatives of a non-polluting limestone. It is a product developed with a material similar to plastic, but which disappears when it comes into contact with water…

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At last! The dolphins of the Barcelona Zoo will be transferred to a sanctuary


by Rosa Ruiz

Posted on August 3, 2018

At last! The dolphins of the Barcelona Zoo will be transferred to a sanctuary

This was ruled by the City Council of the Catalan city after a strong complaint from the Foundation for Advice and Action in Defense of Animals, with great support in social networks. #AdeuDelfinari - goodbye dolphinarium, in Catalan - was the campaign slogan used by the Foundation for Advice and Action in Defense of Animals (FAADA) to ensure that the 6 dolphins that were in the Barcelona Zoo were finally transferred to a sanctuary, where they will spend the rest of their lives…

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Found a lake 20 kilometres long under the ice of Mars


by Bel G

Posted on August 2, 2018

Found a lake 20 kilometres long under the ice of Mars

The finding came after a year-long search, led by a group of Italian scientists. The salt water mass is hidden in the south pole of the red planet. After years of the expedition in search of water, the European Mars Express probe seems to have paid off…

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Laurent Simons, the Belgian boy who will start university at age 8


by Rosa Ruiz

Posted on August 1, 2018

Laurent Simons, the Belgian boy who will start university at age 8

At age 8, he received his high school diploma and made the difference. At first glance, he seems common among the thousands of students who graduate in schools around the world…

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