UK physicist donates 2.2 million prize to boost diversity
Posted on September 20, 2018

One of Britain's leading astrophysicists is donating her 2.2 million from a major science prize to encourage diversity in physics…
Read MoreA shampoo bottle saving babies in Bangladesh
Posted on September 19, 2018

Dr Chisti from Bangladesh has invented an artificial respirator out of a shampoo bottle saving thousands of children's lives from pneumonia. On a recent work trip to Melbourne, Australia, Dr Chisti was introduced to a type of ventilator called a bubble-CPAP, which is employed to help premature babies breathe…
Read MoreOrganic farming methods favor pollinators
Posted on September 18, 2018

Pollinating insects are endangered, with a particularly decline over the last 40 years. An extensive study from Lund University in Sweden has found that organic farming methods can contribute to halting the pollinator decline. This beneficial effect is due to both the absence of insecticides and a higher provision of flower resources. Organic farming is known to promote pollinator diversity in crop fields…
Read MoreSpain creates Mediterranean Sea reserve for whale migration
Posted on September 17, 2018

Spain is creating a marine wildlife reserve for the migrations of whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea and will prohibit searching for fossil fuels in the area. The Spanish government announced that the protected reserve will cover 46,385 square kilometers (17,909 square miles) between the Balearic Islands and the mainland…
Read MoreRecord numbers of volunteers set to clean up UK beaches last weekend
Posted on September 14, 2018

The organizers of the annual Great British Beach Clean said they didn’t expect to see record numbers of volunteers at more beaches than ever before last weekend’s UK-wide event. The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) had been running the four-day beach cleaning event for the last 24 years. In 2017, 6,944 volunteers attended beach cleans at 339 locations across the UK, from the north of Scotland to Cornwall, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands…
Read MoreType 1 diabetes drug has just been trialed on first human patients with no side effects
Posted on September 13, 2018

Diabetes is a serious illness which produces a metabolic disorder. Serious long-term complications include cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease, foot ulcers, and damage to the eyes. An estimated 415 million people had diabetes worldwide. Type 1 diabetes is a serious, lifelong condition where blood glucose levels are too high because the body cannot make a hormone called insulin…
Read MoreIstambul Metropolitan Municipality have a innnovative recycling idea
Posted on September 11, 2018

Istambul has decided to install vending machines that recycle plastic in subway stations, this initiative tries to reduce the number of tonnes of waste. This idea can be beneficial for commuters, encourage people to recycle interchange plastic waste for free transportation.The city has installed at the moment 25 vending machines in the main stations…
Read MoreThe Ocean CleanUp project is about to start
Posted on September 3, 2018

An audacious young Dutch inventor named Boyan Slat and his 70-member team have entered the final preparations for a mission to deploy an experimental device they say can capture much of the plastic that fouls the world’s oceans. His Ocean Cleanup Project aims to use the oceans’ natural gyres (five circular currents in the oceans around the world – two in the Atlantic, two in the Pacific, and one in the Indian) to collect plastic waste. The stations would have large booms, rat…
Read MoreIndian man cooks for a village
Posted on August 30, 2018

In India, a wiry, weathered man wearing a white lungi (a type of sarong) and no shoes, holds up an enormous steel tray of a hundred raw chicken legs for the camera filming him. He douses them with turmeric, red chili powder, garlic, and yogurt, and then sets a rusted wok over a fire built from hunks of bark. He fills the wok with a puddle of oil and sets the meat bubbling with spices over the roaring fire. Farm animals whistle and bark in the distance, and people mutter in Tamil offscreen…
Read MoreElectric shock collars for pets to be banned in England
Posted on August 29, 2018

The English government has just announced that they will be banning the use of electric shock collars on cats and dogs. Shock collars can deliver up to 6,000 volts of electricity, sometimes for as long as 11 seconds. Other collars can release noxious smelling chemicals as a means of dissuading pets from certain behaviors…
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