A message from the author:

Welcome to this blog of Good News!

For years, my team and I have been feeding it with encouraging, inspiring, lovely news.

Now that the circumstances of my life have changed, I may not have the time to keep feeding it. However, I feel that my mission is in part fulfilled, as we have left here a trace of hope, confidence and good vibes…

See below the previous good news, as most of them are still "alive".

And if you want to know more about my motivation to create this space, read more…

Reset your biological clock and sleep pattern with a week of camping


by Marc Prats

Posted on October 15, 2018

Reset your biological clock and sleep pattern with a week of camping

Do you remember those holidays when your parents decided to drive for hours to a camping area just to be in touch with nature a bit more? Do you think they did it just like any other holiday? I don’t think so…

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Make smart choices. We can still save the Earth by 2030


by Marc Prats

Posted on October 12, 2018

Make smart choices. We can still save the Earth by 2030

Not all hope is lost.   In the last few years, we have witnessed the increase in global temperature, polluting gases and the size of the hole in the ozone layer…

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You won't have to pay tax for using solar energy in Spain anymore


by Marc Prats

Posted on October 11, 2018

You won't have to pay tax for using solar energy in Spain anymore

A few days ago, the Spanish government announced that it had banned the existing tax on solar powered homes.   A few years ago, the same government announced that anyone who wanted to use solar panels in their homes would have to give a fixed percentage of the energy produces to the tax office…

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Discover the new air-filtering buses in the UK


by Marc Prats

Posted on October 8, 2018

Discover the new air-filtering buses in the UK

Could you imagine a busy city with no pollution? Go-Ahead Group has put a plan in place for city buses to start filtering the air as they drive around. Public transportation is one of the best ways to move around and one of the most environmentally healthy means of transport due to the large number of people they can carry at the same time…

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Dancing has a positive effect on your health


by Marc Prats

Posted on October 3, 2018

Dancing has a positive effect on your health

It is well known that most people would rather go to the gym than doing exercise at home. Well, some people actually prefer to pay for a gym membership, use it once or twice, take a selfie, and go back to their comfortable couch. Humans are becoming more and more passive every day, as technology is being developed towards effortless living.   Say you do not want to pay for the gym fees and you find running quite monotonous, maybe you should consider dancing…

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A US tortoise has been given a second chance, thanks to LEGO®


by Marc Prats

Posted on October 2, 2018

A US tortoise has been given a second chance, thanks to LEGO®

The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore has given a rescued tortoise a second chance in life by using one of the most unusual medical equipment ever, LEGO®.   Everything started in July, when an employee of the Baltimore Zoo found the tortoise roaming around a park with a broken shell…

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Colourblind people now have the chance to see more colours thanks to a recent invention


by Marc Prats

Posted on October 1, 2018

Colourblind people now have the chance to see more colours thanks to a recent invention

The Cambridge dictionary defines ‘colourblind’ as a person who has trouble differentiating certain colours1. Some people find it very hard, or almost impossible, to distinguish between certain combinations or shades of colours, such as blue and green, red and orange, brown and grey, etc…

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Germany launches world's first hydrogen-powered train


by Isabel Rubio

Posted on September 25, 2018

Germany launches world's first hydrogen-powered train

The world's first hydrogen-powered train has just been launched for commercial use in Germany, it is another victory in the shift towards sustainability.The Coradia iLint passenger train, which was developed by rail transport, can travel 600 miles (1,000km) on a single tank of hydrogen. Using special fuel cells, the trains generate energy through a combination of hydrogen and oxygen, with excess energy stored in lithium ion batteries…

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Spanish chef and his team after serving 3 million meals in Puerto Rico, travel ahead of hurricane Florence to feed even more


by Isabel Rubio

Posted on September 24, 2018

Spanish chef and his team after serving 3 million meals in Puerto Rico, travel ahead of hurricane Florence to feed even more

After Puerto Rico was clobbered by Hurricane Maria, Jose Andres, a Spanish chef and his team were on the ground serving meals to all of the survivors. Now, he has set up a shop right in the middle of Hurricane Florence so he can feed everybody throughout the storm.The chef and his nonprofit World Central Kitchen are responsible for feeding millions of people during every kind of natural disaster…

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Greener growth could add around £20 trillion to world economy by 2030


by Isabel Rubio

Posted on September 21, 2018

Greener growth could add around £20 trillion to world economy by 2030

Strong action to combat climate change could cumulatively add at least £20 trillion to the world economy by 2030, according to a study which seeks to dispel fears that a shift from fossil fuels will undermine growth.The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, which includes former heads of government, business leaders and economists, said there was "unprecedented momentum" toward greener growth that would boost jobs and countries' economies.Bold climate action could deliver at least …

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