A message from the author:

Welcome to this blog of Good News!

For years, my team and I have been feeding it with encouraging, inspiring, lovely news.

Now that the circumstances of my life have changed, I may not have the time to keep feeding it. However, I feel that my mission is in part fulfilled, as we have left here a trace of hope, confidence and good vibes…

See below the previous good news, as most of them are still "alive".

And if you want to know more about my motivation to create this space, read more…

Saving Bees Thanks to a Revolutionary 'Honey on tap' Beehive


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on June 20, 2019

Saving Bees Thanks to a Revolutionary 'Honey on tap' Beehive

It has always been known that bees are a much needed insect when it comes to the environment. The reason for this is the fact that we rely on their pollinating activity to feed ourselves. Their pollination, along with the one made by other insects, bird or bats, is the source of one third of the food that we consume everyday…

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Mindfulness in 370 Schools in The UK


by Giulia Vandelli

Posted on June 10, 2019

Mindfulness in 370 Schools in The UK

Have you ever thought why children start to scream with no reason, they act aggressively, and they kick who / whatever is around them? Most of the time the reason is found in their inability to express in the correct way their emotions and feelings. Nobody taught them how to do it, here’s why 370 schools in the UK are now ready to include mindfulness and meditation classes in their programmes. Thanks to the mental study conducted wanted by the British government, and the NHS research, i…

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The First Erasmus Girl With Down Syndrome


by Giulia Vandelli

Posted on June 6, 2019

The First Erasmus Girl With Down Syndrome

Carmen, a young girl from Spain, has been the first Erasmus student with the down syndrome. After having seen her sister following an Erasmus programme and having felt a bit jealous, she decided it was the perfect time for her to follow the sister’s path. So last year, at the age of 23, she spent 6 weeks in Portugal, near Oporto, working for a pharmacy, living a new experience. Even though learning Portuguese was a little difficult, she enjoyed this new challenge and as a pioneer, she l…

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Measles May Be a Solution Against Cancer


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on June 4, 2019

Measles May Be a Solution Against Cancer

While efforts are made to eradicate measles, like any other virus, discoveries are being made about its ability to fight against cancer. It not only make the cancerous cells join together and explode, but it also helps our immune system to detect these cells by stimulating it. Once this is done, our defense mechanism will identify these abnormal cells and get rid of them. Using a virus to cure oneself from a disease is a known technique that is called virotherapy…

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The Pet Shelter That Only Hires Homeless People


by Giulia Vandelli

Posted on June 3, 2019

The Pet Shelter That Only Hires Homeless People

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. A Brazilian couple rescued an injured dog, but what they didn’t know is that the dog was pregnant, very pregnant. So, in addition to their 7 dogs, they now had 14. Most of the puppies found a lovely home in the US, while the others stayed with them. Because of this experience, animal rescue and animal rights became a fundamental part of this couple relationship…

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The Grandmother Who Accommodates Prisoners


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 31, 2019

The Grandmother Who Accommodates Prisoners

For over 40 years, Ángeles Pérez has been visiting prisoners and offering them a place to stay when on a temporary absence or at the end of their sentence. A much need step to help them in their reinsertion. It all started in the 80's in Madrid, when the criminality rate was high because of drugs and imprisonment conditions were harsh. The main question that these prisoners asked themselves was concerning the future, what were they going to do once they get out…

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Incentives to Cycle to Work are Becoming Popular


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 30, 2019

Incentives to Cycle to Work are Becoming Popular

If you have already been to the Neatherlands, then you know how bikes are a big part of the landscape. And the numbers confirm it, they are the number one cyclers in the world. And they have a little secret for that.  For every kilometre cycled, a dutch employee earns 0.20€ tax free, just like some people get paid for not using their car to commute…

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A National Day of Kindness in New Zealand, Proof of its Progressiveness


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 20, 2019

A National Day of Kindness in New Zealand, Proof of its Progressiveness

On November 16th, New Zealand had it's first Manaaki Day. This Maori word that means kindness, is now a national day where charitable acts are celebrated and encouraged. It started with Eddie Writes' letter, who asked help to his mayor to make an annual "Kindness Day". This idea was liked by the mayor, but also by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who is determined in making her country more progressive through her policies…

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Higher Education Institutions are Starting to Value Creative Thinking


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 15, 2019

Higher Education Institutions are Starting to Value Creative Thinking

Among all the countries from which an international student can choose, the UK is placed among the best premium destinations. Known for its respected and recognized education, a diploma from a UK institution would be accepted by employers all around the world. Even though it is quite expensive, colleges here have the quality of being forward-thinking…

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Love at First Sight Might be Real


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 7, 2019

Love at First Sight Might be Real

What may seem like something that you only see in the movies or that happens rarely when you're lucky, is actually something that is quite normal for some people.  At a day and age where some choose who they will date or not just with a swipe of the finger, the notions of romance are changing because of technology. The basic scenario on these dating apps is that you match, chat and see each other if there's a good feeling to confirm the possibility that the other can be a good partner…

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