

Great actions and decisions for the good of humanity.

Philippine students need to plant 10 trees to graduate


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on April 6, 2021

Philippine students need to plant 10 trees to graduate

To regain its forest cover and see forests grow again, the Philippines introduced an interesting law that requires each student to plant 10 trees before graduation. Deforestation constitutes one of the great global problems, constituting a serious threat to existing biodiversity, a decrease in the absorption capacity of CO2, and the loss of habitat for millions of animal and plant species…

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Pakistan offers work to unemployed people planting trees


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on July 2, 2020

Pakistan offers work to unemployed people planting trees

Pakistan is one of the countries in the world hardest hit by climate change: between 1999 and 2018 it has experienced more than 150 extreme weather events, from floods to heatwaves, with total losses of $ 3.8 billion…

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Working together for a better world: Governments and NGO's meet and compromise to improve Human rights


by Zoralys Rojas

Posted on August 22, 2019

Working together for a better world: Governments and NGO's meet and compromise to improve Human rights

Despite all the hotspots for major human rights violations we have seen last year, Governments and NGOs meet at the 41st Ordinary Session of the UN Human Rights Council recently celebrated in Geneva…

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A new deal for Liverpool city would create thousands of jobs and homes


by Zoralys Rojas

Posted on August 1, 2019

A new deal for Liverpool city would create thousands of jobs and homes

Liverpool Council is submitting a huge £230m bid to government to move city in new directionPrincipio del formularioFinal del formulario…

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Incentives to Cycle to Work are Becoming Popular


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 30, 2019

Incentives to Cycle to Work are Becoming Popular

If you have already been to the Neatherlands, then you know how bikes are a big part of the landscape. And the numbers confirm it, they are the number one cyclers in the world. And they have a little secret for that.  For every kilometre cycled, a dutch employee earns 0.20€ tax free, just like some people get paid for not using their car to commute…

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A National Day of Kindness in New Zealand, Proof of its Progressiveness


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 20, 2019

A National Day of Kindness in New Zealand, Proof of its Progressiveness

On November 16th, New Zealand had it's first Manaaki Day. This Maori word that means kindness, is now a national day where charitable acts are celebrated and encouraged. It started with Eddie Writes' letter, who asked help to his mayor to make an annual "Kindness Day". This idea was liked by the mayor, but also by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who is determined in making her country more progressive through her policies…

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Companies All Over the World Fight Pollution


by Maria N. Selina O?c

Posted on May 3, 2019

Companies All Over the World Fight Pollution

The ocean pollution rises day by day. Until 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. 25 % of the fish that gets eaten contains microplastic. The solution: Producing less plastic packaging. A lot of countries and shops realized this and invented opportunities. Here are a few examples:   New Zealand The supermarket chain "New World" sells every fruit and vegetable not packed. By that, they save tonnes of plastic every year…

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Smoke-free Generation: Smoking Age Rises From 18 To 21


by Elaa Abdeltawab

Posted on March 5, 2019

Smoke-free Generation: Smoking Age Rises From 18 To 21

The legal age to purchase cigarettes in the United Kingdom will rise from 18 to 21 years. This measure could be introduced in an attempt to improve public health and create a smoke-free generation. The new measure, which was put forward by MPs, will levy higher taxes on tobacco companies for their impact on the society; this could raise around £150 million. These taxes will be used to fund educational campaigns to prevent youths from smoking and encouraging others to quit…

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500 Million Indian citizens receive free health care


by Elaa Abdeltawab

Posted on February 6, 2019

500 Million Indian citizens receive free health care

The Indian government is launching a new health program called 'Modicare'. Modicare was introduced to fund 100 million families in India, that is around 500 million people, 40% of the Indian population. these families will be insured for health costs up to 500,000 Rupees per family per year. How are these families selected for the Modicare? These families are selected using the Socio-Economic Caste Census…

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You won't have to pay tax for using solar energy in Spain anymore


by Marc Prats

Posted on October 11, 2018

You won't have to pay tax for using solar energy in Spain anymore

A few days ago, the Spanish government announced that it had banned the existing tax on solar powered homes.   A few years ago, the same government announced that anyone who wanted to use solar panels in their homes would have to give a fixed percentage of the energy produces to the tax office…

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