

Inspiring stories from this art.

You have many options for doing sports at home


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on April 25, 2020

You have many options for doing sports at home

Are you wondering how you can keep fit without leaving your home? Have you been granted the gift of time? Here is a small selection of YouTube channels to exercise, so you can make use of that time for a healthy purpose!   Popsugar Fitness A body and mental training channel that stands out for its varied training routines, as well as weekly training plans and health tips…

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They give free music lessons to homeless people so they can make a living playing on the street.


by Rosa Ruiz

Posted on July 20, 2018

They give free music lessons to homeless people so they can make a living playing on the street.

Homeless people in the UK can receive free music and dance classes so that it becomes an alternative to earn some money. Bark.com offers the opportunity to nominate homeless people to learn a new skill that generates income…

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The revolution of women in Iran: they risk their lives and protest by dancing.


by Rosa Ruiz

Posted on July 17, 2018

The revolution of women in Iran: they risk their lives and protest by dancing.

In Iran it is forbidden to dance since 1979: since then, groups of women have organized to give and receive clandestine dance classes. Now the protest has gone more and they are recorded, without a veil, dancing in the streets. Dancing is a revolution. Dancing is a challenge to the system: it makes the citizen recover the conception of his own body, frightens fears, dancing makes you free. That is why Iran forbade it in 1979, with the Iranian Revolution…

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