

Values in education, innovation, alternative education, education for children.

Great news: just living peacefully is a reason to be happy


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on July 26, 2021

Great news: just living peacefully is a reason to be happy

I remember when I was in primary school, my Social Science teacher used to tell us interesting anecdotes. He once mentioned there was a popular saying, "No News is Good News". Well, it makes sense every time I watch the News on TV, or read a newspaper, they tell so much bad news! My mood is rarely better after watching or reading them…

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Philippine students need to plant 10 trees to graduate


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on April 6, 2021

Philippine students need to plant 10 trees to graduate

To regain its forest cover and see forests grow again, the Philippines introduced an interesting law that requires each student to plant 10 trees before graduation. Deforestation constitutes one of the great global problems, constituting a serious threat to existing biodiversity, a decrease in the absorption capacity of CO2, and the loss of habitat for millions of animal and plant species…

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Artificial intelligence now allows us to recover lost languages


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on April 1, 2021

Artificial intelligence now allows us to recover lost languages

An artificial intelligence system developed by the MIT Laboratory of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) aims to decipher missing languages and learn more about the people who spoke them. The algorithms they have designed can automatically decipher a lost language using only a few thousand words (far less data than is commonly used to train algorithms). The records that have survived to our days of the languages ??that have been lost throughout history are so minimal (often la…

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Transforming a mountain of garbage into a green lung, among other everyday ecology practices


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on March 17, 2021

Transforming a mountain of garbage into a green lung, among other everyday ecology practices

Bullas is a wine-producing municipality of 12,000 inhabitants in Murcia (Spain). Hills, vineyards and low houses. The scene could belong to any other peninsular municipality, but on a walk through its streets, unexpected elements emerge. A reused glass roundabout and an old oil tank converted into a bus stop. On the outskirts, there are immaculate community gardens…

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The puppet company that has filled with life a town in the Pyrenees (Spain)


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on January 4, 2021

The puppet company that has filled with life a town in the Pyrenees (Spain)

They arrived more than 30 years ago in a small town with a fabled name, Abizanda, in the province of Huesca (Aragón - Spain). There they embarked on what seemed to many an adventure full of fantasy and illusion but with little consistency…

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Your parents told you to be nice to people. Guess what? They were right. This is why


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on September 19, 2020

Your parents told you to be nice to people. Guess what? They were right. This is why

Doing good doesn't just benefit other people. It also helps us.Studies show that helping others increases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes us feel satisfied. Another benefit of feeling rewarded when we do good: it reduces our stress levels. It feels good to do good. In a 2016 study, researchers asked participants about settings in which they gave or received support…

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You have many options for doing sports at home


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on April 25, 2020

You have many options for doing sports at home

Are you wondering how you can keep fit without leaving your home? Have you been granted the gift of time? Here is a small selection of YouTube channels to exercise, so you can make use of that time for a healthy purpose!   Popsugar Fitness A body and mental training channel that stands out for its varied training routines, as well as weekly training plans and health tips…

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Meditation and mindfulness for children in the school


by Susana Di?ez

Posted on October 3, 2019

Meditation and mindfulness for children in the school

The new studies carried out by the government of the United Kingdom have allowed teaching Meditation in schools. It is a very important decision that will favour coexistence within the classroom. The complicated situations that sometimes occur may be due to students not knowing how to manage their emotions. The classes will be taught in 370 schools across the country…

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Working together for a better world: Governments and NGO's meet and compromise to improve Human rights


by Zoralys Rojas

Posted on August 22, 2019

Working together for a better world: Governments and NGO's meet and compromise to improve Human rights

Despite all the hotspots for major human rights violations we have seen last year, Governments and NGOs meet at the 41st Ordinary Session of the UN Human Rights Council recently celebrated in Geneva…

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Could the final solution of growing plastic pollution be in the hands of a Teenager?


by Zoralys Rojas

Posted on August 8, 2019

Could the final solution of growing plastic pollution be in the hands of a Teenager?

That´s what a report of CNN, published on 4 August 2019, says: A young, 18-year-old from Ireland may have found a way to rescue our oceans from the growing plastic pollution problem. The good news is that his project won the first place of US$50,000 in educational funding…

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