

Good news with animals involved. Protection, feats...

Scientists create hybrid human and monkey embryos, which may help 'build' organs for transplantation and study cancer and ageing


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on April 16, 2021

Scientists create hybrid human and monkey embryos, which may help 'build' organs for transplantation and study cancer and ageing

The experiment makes it possible to advance in the knowledge of the first stages of pregnancy and paves the way for obtaining, in the future, organs for transplantation in animals. An international team of researchers, led by the Spanish Juan Carlos Izpisúa, from the Salk Institute in the United States, and with the collaboration of the Kunming University of Science and Technology in Yunnan, China (led by Weizhi Ji), has generated hybrid human and macaque embryos in the laboratory…

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Philippine students need to plant 10 trees to graduate


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on April 6, 2021

Philippine students need to plant 10 trees to graduate

To regain its forest cover and see forests grow again, the Philippines introduced an interesting law that requires each student to plant 10 trees before graduation. Deforestation constitutes one of the great global problems, constituting a serious threat to existing biodiversity, a decrease in the absorption capacity of CO2, and the loss of habitat for millions of animal and plant species…

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An autonomous drone that pollinates with a bubble gun


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on March 8, 2021

An autonomous drone that pollinates with a bubble gun

Scientists from the Advanced Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, AIST (Japan), present a drone that can pollinate an orchard in much the same way as the bees do. Many plants rely almost entirely on bees as natural pollinators to produce some of nature's most nutritious foods, but bee species have declined significantly in recent decades. To compensate for declining pollinator populations, scientists have been trying to create robotic pollination technologies, and this initiative ap…

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A marine animal from Ibiza, key to the promising Spanish antiviral against COVID-19


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on February 14, 2021

A marine animal from Ibiza, key to the promising Spanish antiviral against COVID-19

The Spanish company PharmaMar has created and developed an antiviral drug, called plitidepsin, that has been shown to be capable of reducing viral loads caused by coronavirus by 99%, something that has been achieved so far in the lungs of treated animals. The company is actually already immersed in clinical trials and is negotiating the beginning of phase III. To have been able to develop plitidepsin, PharmaMar has used a marine animal called ascidiacea, belonging to the subphylum urochordata.…

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Two monkeys manage to "see" without using their eyes thanks to a brain stimulation device


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on December 21, 2020

Two monkeys manage to

There are currently 40 million blind people in the world, according to the World Health Organisation. The Vision and Cognition group of the Dutch Institute of Neuroscience and the Neuroprosthesis and Visual Rehabilitation Unit of the Bioengineering Institute of the Miguel Hernández University in Spain have created high-resolution implants that made possible to create interpretable images for animals through electrical stimuli…

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Using artificial intelligence to save coral reefs


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on May 13, 2020

Using artificial intelligence to save coral reefs

CORaiL, an artificial intelligence-based solution to monitor, classify and analyse the resistance of coral reefs is currently being developed by Intel, Accenture and the Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation. Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, with more than 800 coral species providing habitat and refuge for approximately 25% of the world's marine life…

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Achieved partial recovery of vision in blind mice


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on April 27, 2020

Achieved partial recovery of vision in blind mice

A study, published in the journal Nature, shows the partial restoration of vision in blind mice using a method that chemically generates new photoreceptors, the cells responsible for converting light into nerve impulses that the brain transforms into images. Experts hope to move therapy to humans in 2-3 years. The method consists of chemically reprogramming dermal fibroblasts (a type of cell that serves to maintain the structure between tissues and heal wounds) to photoreceptor cells similar t…

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An "edible forest" to fight desertification


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on March 22, 2020


In Cádiz (Spain), by the Sierra de Grazalema, an infertile land has been transformed into a forest where 15,000 trees and shrubs have already been planted, implementing a system based on biodiversity and the conscious management of natural resources. Now, animals like donkeys, alpacas, horses, sheep and chickens live freely in that area. Vidya Jacqueline Heisel, British, was always clear that she wanted to dedicate herself to helping others find harmony and balance…

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Rescuing dolphins


by Susana Di?ez

Posted on November 14, 2019

Rescuing dolphins

When it comes to rescue dolphins, we are willing to make any effort. What happened recently in Florida proves it. Volunteers in St. Petersburg, Florida, are being lauded for a job well done after helping a group of dolphins find their way out of a canal and back to their home in more open waters. With some frequency, dolphins have difficulty returning to the sea. It is not known exactly what is the reason for the loss of orientation…

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A retired elephant


by Susana Di?ez

Posted on September 30, 2019

A retired elephant

The last elephant that worked in a circus in Denmark has been bought by the authorities. The government wants the animal to have a quiet retreat. It is a sample of the change in the sensitivity of the people towards animals. The amount of money paid is not known exactly, but it is said that it has reached $1,6 million. Also, a new law will prevent the presence of animals in circuses from the end of this year. It is not the only elephant that the government has bought…

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