
Esteban Tejedor

The entrepreneurial solution to reforest the forests


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on July 27, 2022

The entrepreneurial solution to reforest the forests

Fernando Cervigón, founder of the NGO Trees4Humanity, has developed a system of biodegradable pots with which he has already planted 2 million trees; he wants to plant up to 100 million worldwide. In the midst of the chaos caused by the fires that devastate the forests now in summertime, a solution to reforest them has more importance than ever…

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Three paraplegics walk again one day after receiving an electronic implant


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on February 11, 2022

Three paraplegics walk again one day after receiving an electronic implant

Neuroscientists in Switzerland create a technology that enables people with spinal cord injuries to regain movement in a day. Three people who had been left paraplegic after motorcycle accidents have managed to get back on their feet. It has been thanks to a surgical intervention to implant 16 electrodes directly on his spinal cord…

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Research suggests that most cases of multiple sclerosis could be prevented by stopping a well-known virus infection


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on January 14, 2022

Research suggests that most cases of multiple sclerosis could be prevented by stopping a well-known virus infection

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a degenerative disease, could have an infectious origin…

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Invented a system to create fuel, literally, from the air


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on November 8, 2021

Invented a system to create fuel, literally, from the air

Swiss engineers have devised a prototype that creates energy by combining atmospheric CO2 and water and that can be used to power airplanes. We are increasingly used to electric cars, solar panels and generally cleaner energy sources…

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A lamp that illuminates 45 days with half a litre of salt water


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on September 24, 2021

A lamp that illuminates 45 days with half a litre of salt water

Colombian designer Miguel Mojica, based in Valencia (eastern Spain), in collaboration with the renewable energy company E-dina and with Wunderman Thompson Colombia, has created a lamp that generates light for 45 days using only half a litre of salt water…

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Upcoming vaccines that help cure drug addiction by inhibiting its effects


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on August 17, 2021

Upcoming vaccines that help cure drug addiction by inhibiting its effects

The fight against addiction is entering a phase never seen before: that of immunotherapy. A revolution that has been in the making for a decade and is finally beginning to bear fruit... Imagine a vaccine against cocaine. One prick and the addict becomes immune to the effect of the drug. Since you no longer feel euphoria or pleasure, consuming loses all incentive…

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Young people from India create aloe vera batteries that do not pollute


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on August 15, 2021

Young people from India create aloe vera batteries that do not pollute

The first green and environmentally friendly 1.5V AA and AAA size batteries are being developed in Rajasthan, India. The Aloe Ecell company has succeeded in replacing the chemicals and environmentally harmful products in standard batteries with the electrolyte from the aloe vera plant…

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Great news: just living peacefully is a reason to be happy


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on July 26, 2021

Great news: just living peacefully is a reason to be happy

I remember when I was in primary school, my Social Science teacher used to tell us interesting anecdotes. He once mentioned there was a popular saying, "No News is Good News". Well, it makes sense every time I watch the News on TV, or read a newspaper, they tell so much bad news! My mood is rarely better after watching or reading them…

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Parkinson's patients successfully treated without surgery


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on July 5, 2021

Parkinson's patients successfully treated without surgery

Spanish researchers confirm the efficacy of a cutting-edge treatment that allows a minimally invasive approach to safely and effectively treat the motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease…

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Spanish scientists find for the first time the key molecule for the origin of life


by Esteban Tejedor

Posted on June 4, 2021

Spanish scientists find for the first time the key molecule for the origin of life

A molecule, called ethanolamine, that contains the four fundamental chemical elements (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen), has been detected for the first time by researchers at the Center for Astrobiology (CAB), a Spanish organisation of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC) and the National Institute of Aerospace Technology of the Spanish Ministry of Defense. The finding has occurred in a molecular cloud located in the center of…

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