Posts published on: May 2019

Meditation and Mindfulness for Children in School


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 1, 2019

Meditation and Mindfulness for Children in School

Thanks to a new study that has been undertaken by the British government that will run up until 2012, children in schools will be taught about meditation and mindfulness. This comes as it is become known that when a child acts out, by kicking and screaming sometimes, it is only to express the complex emotions they have and that they do not understand. So, these classes will help solve this problem by improving the youth’s overall mental health…

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How One Person Changes the World


by Maria N. Selina O?c

Posted on May 2, 2019

How One Person Changes the World

Do you sometimes feel like you can not make a difference? Like you are just a single small piece of the world? Here is some evidence to show you that it’s not true. 1979 the 16-year old Jadev Payeng was making a horrible discovery. While he was making a walk, he found hundreds of dead reptiles and snakes. What caused the death? A water shortage and the lack of shading trees. The landscape had a barren ground and the probability for plants to grow was very low…

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Companies All Over the World Fight Pollution


by Maria N. Selina O?c

Posted on May 3, 2019

Companies All Over the World Fight Pollution

The ocean pollution rises day by day. Until 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. 25 % of the fish that gets eaten contains microplastic. The solution: Producing less plastic packaging. A lot of countries and shops realized this and invented opportunities. Here are a few examples:   New Zealand The supermarket chain "New World" sells every fruit and vegetable not packed. By that, they save tonnes of plastic every year…

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Love at First Sight Might be Real


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 7, 2019

Love at First Sight Might be Real

What may seem like something that you only see in the movies or that happens rarely when you're lucky, is actually something that is quite normal for some people.  At a day and age where some choose who they will date or not just with a swipe of the finger, the notions of romance are changing because of technology. The basic scenario on these dating apps is that you match, chat and see each other if there's a good feeling to confirm the possibility that the other can be a good partner…

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Higher Education Institutions are Starting to Value Creative Thinking


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 15, 2019

Higher Education Institutions are Starting to Value Creative Thinking

Among all the countries from which an international student can choose, the UK is placed among the best premium destinations. Known for its respected and recognized education, a diploma from a UK institution would be accepted by employers all around the world. Even though it is quite expensive, colleges here have the quality of being forward-thinking…

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A National Day of Kindness in New Zealand, Proof of its Progressiveness


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 20, 2019

A National Day of Kindness in New Zealand, Proof of its Progressiveness

On November 16th, New Zealand had it's first Manaaki Day. This Maori word that means kindness, is now a national day where charitable acts are celebrated and encouraged. It started with Eddie Writes' letter, who asked help to his mayor to make an annual "Kindness Day". This idea was liked by the mayor, but also by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who is determined in making her country more progressive through her policies…

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Incentives to Cycle to Work are Becoming Popular


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 30, 2019

Incentives to Cycle to Work are Becoming Popular

If you have already been to the Neatherlands, then you know how bikes are a big part of the landscape. And the numbers confirm it, they are the number one cyclers in the world. And they have a little secret for that.  For every kilometre cycled, a dutch employee earns 0.20€ tax free, just like some people get paid for not using their car to commute…

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The Grandmother Who Accommodates Prisoners


by Sam Soilihi

Posted on May 31, 2019

The Grandmother Who Accommodates Prisoners

For over 40 years, Ángeles Pérez has been visiting prisoners and offering them a place to stay when on a temporary absence or at the end of their sentence. A much need step to help them in their reinsertion. It all started in the 80's in Madrid, when the criminality rate was high because of drugs and imprisonment conditions were harsh. The main question that these prisoners asked themselves was concerning the future, what were they going to do once they get out…

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